Please meet Rebecca RodriguezOk to be honest, the make up class was made because me and Ika don't know how to adorn our beauty. And every time you saw Becca, that is how you can call this Philippines Rock Girl, with her simple make up you'll be motivated to asking tips for that. Since I was pushed by my mom to bring my make up set, so me and Ika ask her to teach us dealing with that. For your information, since the first day my mom bought that make up set I never use it. I think you have to wait everything runs in the perfect time right? At least that what happen in term of my make up set hehehehe.
So we set the day, to have this extracurricular, and my room got the honor to held the firs make up class during Summer Academy International Institute of Journalism of InWEnt. Thanks to our master Becca, I understand how to beautify my self. For your eye shadow, first you have to put neutral color as foundation. Second you put medium color as line for your physical color so that people will notice you have beautiful eyes.
After that you put eye liner, even though I always afraid to use it. Because I always imagine those pointed black brush will stick my eyes. But my master Becca, teach me to pull little bit the tip of your eye line. That way it would be much easier to make outline of your eyes.

Success making outline of your eyes, next step is use your mascara so that you'll fulfill the beauty of eyes. I had extra tips from Luong, she came to my room after five minutes Becca gave her introduction. And that time we've knew that Luong used simple make up every day.
And I don't know why, suddenly open my cupboard and grab my new top that I bought in Jakarta. I bought this top in Pasar Ular (Paul), open market where you can find rejected branded cloth. The one you see in this picture is from Banana Republic, and I bought it only for 3 euro. I also wear my pink high heal and act as models with Ika's camera.

Since than Becca formally open Becca Make Up Summer Academy. Me and Ika are her first successful participant :) So if you want to look perfect in simple way, come and join Becca's Make Up Summer Academy next year.
I introduce you, Rebecca Rodriguez
All picture taken by Ika Krismantari