Saturday, June 28, 2008

Try To Know Blankenese

German, June 28, 2008

Elsa-Brandstrom-House is the hostel were we doing our course, it is located in the little village called Blankenese. Petter said that Blankenese mean shining nose, but he doesn't know how the name came from. Since the course hasn't started yet, so me and Ika decided to walking around the neighborhood. Beside, we've got information from the committee that near by the house there is Elba river. So we went there this morning. I wake up around seven, and plug on my laptop wondering my ice cream maker will left his command on my first post.

So after taking shower, I went down to meet Ika at the internet center. Ika couldn't sleep well coz she been wondering how to get cheaper flight to France. Ika got the enthusiastic from Luong, one of the participant came from Vietnam. Luong already book flight to Rome and planning to book another flight to France. She said, there are cheaper flight to France. So Ika couldn't sleep thingking how to get that cheaper flight like Luong. Luong or Le Thu Luong is very atractive girl and she always full of smile.She work as a reporter at VietNamNet, an online newspaper.

Back to the story, after breakfast, me, Ika, and Luong went to the river. It was raining but we think we have to see the river and try to know the neighborhood. During our walking to the river, three of us amaze with the beautiful houses that they built. You can see at the picture that Ika has taken. It's a beautiful house and not far from the river.

Or this one, you must be saying I Do for the man who own the house hehehehe..

Well that house is far from the river coz it located in the central of Blankenese. And during our walking to the central village, after seeing the river, we found a lot of beautiful houses. Were dying to have one. How you can say no to this house.

It's a very quite neighborhood in Blankenese. There is no traffic jam all day long...plenty-plenty of tree and flower so you will feel the coolness all day long. You will go to the train station by decent buses. They will come and leave right on time. And even there is no passenger in the bus, the driver will driving to the last route. Ngga ada tuh oper2an penumpang, how you said that in English hehehehe.

And the people, as far as I can see, they all friendly. Always smiling when passing one another. And the most important, pedestrian got the privilage to conquer the street. Car and motorcycle will be waiting you to walk first and they will move the car. Beautiful city, is the simple words to describe the Blankenese. Even I haven't visit all area, but its nice to be in this village. So honey, why don't we stay here. Just give me a call and I'll find the most beautiful house for us :) Ika already book one, so why don't we...hehehehehe

Friday, June 27, 2008

First Day In German

Hamburg, June 27, 2008

Okay today is my first day in Hamburg,German. After long tired trip, finally Me and Ika arrived on rainy and cloudy Summer Academy 2008. We both breeze to the atmosphere. Coz we still don't believe that we are in Europe and planning not only to enjoy the course but also find a way to have wonderful journey in Amsterdam, Austria, Paris or other nearest country. We're pick up by Petter, a tallest and friendly man. During our way to Elsa-Brandstrom-Haus or Hotel, He always told a story about his friends. And in the end of his story, he'll added, "He/she very funny person. He/she so funny." And on that moment I know his a very nice person.

But to be honest, at first time me and Ika arrived in Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, I became more nervous. Coz I felt that my tongue had been frozen even before I put my foot on that windmill country. Every time I'm trying to using my English, my brain start to send a signal to mode on the nervous version. But I keep pushing my self to say a word, at least I have to say something to Peter or Reagan, contingent from Zimbabwe. Well my first question to Petter was, "What is that in the basket under the candel?" And his answered that is...bla..bla...i forgot exactly. Coz after I finish my sentence, my brain analyzing the sentence that i had made. Am I asking in the right way or I just say something stupid?

Petter take us to the flower shop, coz his having farewell and welcoming party. While walking beside him after taken the flower that he already ordered, I push my self again to asking some question. "So I see almost every car in here, put flag on their car. Is that because Europe Cup?" hahahaha after that question ended i recognize the mistake I had made, it's Europe League not Europe Cup. Well Petter answer my question, ok he understand what I'm talking about hehehehehe. But suddenly I lost my confidence, I'm afraid of making another mistake.

And than I send message to my family and to my ice cream maker, as matter a fact, I take my laptop and start to chat. I have to share that I'm so fucking nervous and afraid to make another mistake. I always remember every single words from my family, dear, and friends to cheer me up and not to worry. But hell do I'm worry...

So I make some strategy, maybe its to late, I don't care. I just need to conquer my here I am practicing my English my typing the language. Hope it'll take me to the next level of the conversation class. Oh dear God, please help me on this...Just make my tongue chill a little bit...

And for the first postcard, I'll give you all readers this picture. If you can see the plane outside the window than you'll recognize how I can arrive safely in Hamburg. The picture was taken inside the plane that have same size with the one you see outside. It was taken an hour before take off...please smell the nervousness I have during the flight :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Negara Memerintahkan Penginsyafan

Akhirnya kejadian juga, setelah sekian lama ditunggu-tunggu. Setelah dua kubu berhadapan cukup keras, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)mengeluarkan maklumatnya melalui Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB). SKB Ahmadyah, baru saja dikeluarkan. Tepatnya pukul 16.00 tadi (9/6).

Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri)Mardiyanto menolak mengatakan SKB berisi tentang pembubaran atau pelarangan Ahmadyah. Menurutnya, SKB itu berisi perintah agar pemeluk Ahmadyah kembali kepada dasar ajaran agama Islam. Bisa dianalogikan, negara menyuruh pemeluk Ahmadyah untuk insyaf. Ini serem, bahkan dengan penambahan kata-kata memerintah, beribu-ribu kali serem. Karena ini bisa jadi preseden organisasi masyarakat (ormas) berbasis agama untuk meminta penginsyafan terhadap kelompok agama yang dianggap tidak mengikuti ajaran asalinya.

Siapa sih yang memberikan batasan mana ajaran asali mana yang bukan, pasti mayoritas. Jadi ini masalah penjajahan sebenarnya, penjajahan intra umat beragama. Bener-bener gila, karena dengan begitu negara menutup rapat pintu penyelesaian sengketa di jalur pengadilan. Cukup panas-panasi Bakorpakem, negara akan buat perintah penginsyafan satu kaum.

Gua jadi teringat, hampir sebulan lalu kalau ngga salah, ada sekelompok orang yang menamakan diri kelompok pemurnian nama YHWH (baca : Yahwe) menggungat Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI). Mereka keberatan karena tidak semua kata Allah ditulis dengan YHWH. Nama itu bagi mereka lebih legitimate karena itulah penyebutan Allah atau Tuhan atau Anak yang Diurapi dalam bahasa asalinya, Ibrani. Lucu sebenarnya ikutin sidang ini, karena saksi ahli dari kelompok pemurnian nama YHWH itu bermain dalam ranah filosofis yang pasti kalah dengan argumentasi kaku ala LAI.

Terlepas dari substansi persidangan, tapi menurut gua mereka lebih masuk akal ketimbang SKB itu. Mereka lebih beradab karena mencari legitimasi argumentasi mereka di persidangan. Setidaknya ini akan menampilkan bahwa yang diperdebatkan bukan kebenaran agamanya tapi kebenaran argumentasinya, dengan cara terhormat. Mereka menghargai negara sebagai penjaga konstitusi dengan "beradu otot" di pengadilan. Dari pada menakut-nakuti negara dengan sorban dan pentungan.

Harusnya negara sadar, bahwa mereka sedang ditakut-takuti oleh sekelompok massa yang tidak punya kekuatan hukum apapun. Kalau negara sudah mulai tidak yakin dengan kekuatannya sendiri, lalu sampai dibatas mana kaum minoritas dapat merasa aman? Karena pembenaran hanya ada pada mulut-mulut orang kebanyakan. Dan perintah penginsyafan itu adalah wujud ketakutan negara atas kelompok-kelompok tersebut.

Apakah saya harus merasa takut, karena mungkin saya minoritas? Yang harus siap-siap untuk disuruh insyaf. Atau haruskah saya juga merasa lebih takut, karena mungkin saya mayoritas yang dapat dengan halal membasmi kaumnya sendiri? Ah manusia hanya berlomba-lomba jadi advokatnya Tuhan. Mereka lupa, Tuhan punya timbangannya sendiri, ngga perlu advokat....Dan atas nama kebebasan berkeyakinan, saya menggugat negara apabila saya harus diperintakan untuk insyaf!!!!